Look and feel on top of everything with Rewind

Look and feel on top of everything with Rewind

Look and feel on top of everything with Rewind

Automatically capture everything you've seen, said, or heard. Easily search it later with AI.

Automatically capture everything you've seen, said, or heard. Easily search it later with AI.

Automatically capture everything you've seen, said, or heard. Easily search it later with AI.

Rewind is a privacy-first app that automatically records what you do and makes it searchable.

Rewind is a privacy-first app that automatically records what you do and makes it searchable.

Rewind is a privacy-first app that automatically records what you do and makes it searchable.

Screenshot of Notion template homepage
Screenshot of Notion template homepage
Screenshot of Notion template homepage

Perfect notes without writing down a thing.

Perfect notes without writing down a thing.

No integrations, scheduling, or bot invitations required. Rewind effortlessly records any meeting.

Easily circle back to key moments. Rewind let's you quickly search across all your meetings.

Rewind is the AI Companion
that lets you leverage your past info

Rewind is the AI Companion that lets you leverage your past info

Just Ask. Let Rewind find or make what you need.

Just Ask. Let Rewind find or make anything you need.

Never forget your action items. Rewind summarizes your meetings for you.

With Rewind, you're in control of your data

With Rewind, you're in control of your data

With Rewind, you're in control of your data

Stored locally

For your privacy, all of the recordings are stored locally on your Mac. Only you have access to them.

Your data is encrypted

We encrypt your data for maximum protection and security.

Rewind encrypts your data for maximum protection and security.

Easily pause or delete at any point

You can pause screen, microphone, and speaker capture at any time.

Exclude apps from being captured

You choose which applications get captured and which ones don’t.

You choose which applications get captured and which ones don't.

Perfect notes without writing down a thing.

Perfect notes without writing down a thing.

No integrations, scheduling, or bot invitations required. Rewind effortlessly records any meeting.

Easily circle back to key moments. Rewind let's you quickly search across all your meetings.

Rewind is the AI Companion that lets you leverage your past info

Rewind is the AI Companion that lets you leverage your past info

Just Ask. Let Rewind find or make anything you need.

Never forget your action items. Rewind summarizes your meetings for you.

"Rewind is an absolute game changer."

- Luis Manrique, Principal Product Manager, Instacart



  • Ben, CEO

    It’s an actual second brain in capturing everything I’ve seen, said, or heard and I can’t imagine working without it anymore.

  • Rachael, Software Engineer

    This is a unique tool. It’s easier to be productive since I can recall info without the extra brain bandwidth. It's going to change my life.

  • Alec, Co-Founder

    Future arrived yesterday. 👇👇👇 Who else besides me wants a photographic memory?

  • Nick, Journalist

    Rewind unlocks a level of productivity heretofore unknown to the masses. You work, meet, chat, etc. and it remembers everything.

  • Ben, CEO

    It’s an actual second brain in capturing everything I’ve seen, said, or heard and I can’t imagine working without it anymore.

  • Rachael, Software Engineer

    This is a unique tool. It’s easier to be productive since I can recall info without the extra brain bandwidth. It's going to change my life.

  • Alec, Co-Founder

    Future arrived yesterday. 👇👇👇 Who else besides me wants a photographic memory?

  • Nick, Journalist

    Rewind unlocks a level of productivity heretofore unknown to the masses. You work, meet, chat, etc. and it remembers everything.


How much storage space does Rewind take up?

How much storage space is needed?

Does Rewind impact performance?

Will Rewind ever sell my data or use it for advertising?

Will Rewind ever sell my data?

See what it's like to have perfect memory with Rewind

Get Rewind for free today.